Active participants should be aware of DraftKings Daily Rewards. Closely related to similar DraftKings systems like DraftKings Crowns and DraftKings Achievements, the daily rewards are part of the overall DraftKings Bonus rewards system.

As the name suggests, DraftKings Daily Rewards are rewards that users can claim every day. All users need to do is to log in and claim them, and they’ll get specific DraftKings rewards.

Some examples of what DraftKings users can get from the daily rewards include crowns, DraftKings contests tickets, experience points, and DK dollars. The system is quite popular and is a large part of why DraftKings reviews are often positive.

Daily Rewards are mainly open to those who participate in Daily Fantasy Sports, or DFS. For those who use their sportsbook, they have their own DraftKings sportsbook rewards program.

Players must accumulate one hundred DraftKings crowns in a month to even qualify for daily rewards. The more crowns players earn in a month; the more lucrative their daily rewards can become.

The daily rewards system is for individuals who invest in DFS, not casual participants. To qualify for them, it’s important to ensure enough participation in a month to get the number of crowns needed.

Daily rewards are an example of DraftKings incentivizing and giving special privileges to active and loyal users.

How to Earn Rewards

As stated earlier, accumulating DraftKings crowns is the way for participants to obtain daily rewards. The threshold is one hundred and will qualify for the bronze daily reward tier.

In total, there are six DraftKings rewards tiers, with the black tier being the highest. The lowest tier to the highest tier is:

  1. Bronze
  2. Silver
  3. Gold
  4. Platinum
  5. Diamond
  6. Black.

The Draftkings black rewards are highly desirable but will take a lot of commitment.

The exact number of crowns needed for each tier is usually significantly higher than the previous tier. Bronze is the lowest at one hundred crowns, and moving up to the silver tier will require users to earn five hundred crowns in a month.

Draftkings Daily Rewards

From there, gold requires two thousand crowns to qualify, platinum requires ten thousand, diamond requires twenty-five thousand crowns, and black requires a whopping one hundred twenty-five thousand crowns.

While the black rewards are certainly valuable, they require a lot of effort and commitment to get. Still, users shouldn’t be too discouraged if they can’t reach the black tier, as lower tiers still provide nice compensation.

The DraftKings Daily Rewards usually do a good job reflecting the time spent. Each tier provides a noticeable enough amount of currencies and cash for the amount of effort a user puts in to qualify for the daily rewards.

How to qualify for Daily Rewards?

Now, newer users will likely want to know how they can earn crowns to qualify for daily rewards. The good news is that earning crowns is a passive thing, as they’re accumulated by simply spending money to participate in competitions or contests.

For every one dollar spent on said contests and competitions, players will earn one crown as well. Players can also get crowns by completing missions, achievements and, conveniently enough, certain daily rewards.

How to Claim Rewards

Claiming daily rewards is a pretty simple and quick process. All they need to do is:

  1. Get on the DraftKings app or website
  2. Click on the daily rewards menu on the home screen.

From there, it’s simply a matter of pressing a button to claim it.

Participants should be aware that missing a day means missing that day’s reward. The good news is that claiming them is very easy, so all they need to do is spend a minute logging in and getting their reward every day.

Although the DraftKings daily rewards system is for veteran users, newer users also get some nice rewards to get their careers started. There are usually a Draftkings bonus or welcome promos that allow new participants to enter some contests for free.

As new users become veterans, they then get access to the daily rewards system. The website has made sure to continue incentivizing participation no matter how much experience an individual has. To get started, new participants can claim a $20 free play credit today with the first deposit. Now you are on your way to capture Draftkings achievements.