The Sandbox Season 3 Open Beta has officially opened its doors!

The infamous crypto gaming title, The Sandbox, is back with this much anticipated update that sees the open beta expand further past the initial 2 instalments.

This title has seen unprecedented success over the past 12 months, with millions, yes millions, of unique users having previously engaged with this title.

Furthermore, numerous brands and celebrities have gone on to appear in The Sandbox metaverse, providing their fans with immersive gameplay experiences.

Let’s look further into this next season and what players have got in store when playing


Image Credits | The Sandbox

What is featured in The Sandbox Season 3?

Season 3 features even more experiences and activities for players than the previous 2!

Animoca Brands have also ensured the settings have received an update as they implement KYC systems into the game. Ultimately making this title a safer experience for those taking part.

A great feature for a blockchain based game.


Over 90+ experiences are being released over a 10 week period.

These experiences are brought to us by more prominent brands and figures within pop culture.

Some of them include:

  • Snoop Dogg
  • The Smurfs
  • Paris Hilton
  • Steve Aoki
  • Deadmau5
  • Gucci

As you can see, these are some serious industry-leading names that have joined forces with Animoca Brands.

“We are excited to develop new use cases for the owners of these collections, starting with digital identity and the ability to create worlds for these NFTs to be played with and evolve. Together with the most creative and engaged Web3 communities, we have a chance to define open metaverse culture and shape the future of our social interactions.” — Sébastien Borget.

Collectibles and rewards

Season 3 also brings 13 beloved NFT collections into the game, each contributing exclusive NFT avatars players can use when exploring in The Sandbox.

The Sandbox is also renowned for providing its fans with plenty of opportunities to earn in-game and real-world rewards.


Image Credits | The Sandbox

Staking is once again a part of the game, with further updates being added as follows.

Holding NFT collectibles will reward players with the native token $SAND.

Completing levels also provides LAND owners, NFT & avatar holders more chances to earn the $SAND token.

Competitive play

For those looking for a bit more edge when playing The Sandbox, you are able to battle it out on the public leaderboards with other players.

This season, the developers are giving away up to 1.5 million SAND in prizes to top-ranked users by the end of the season.

By completing quests, you gain Ethos Points allowing players to climb the ladders. The difficulty of the quest will determine the number of over points collected.

Interactive gameplay

Completing challenges on social media will actually entitle players to more rewards in-game.

This choice of gameplay is a great way to increase the immersive effect it has over its users.

Given the power of social media, this could be a great marketing strategy for The Sandbox’s developers.

The Sandbox season 3 is officially out now.

We feel this update is going to be a great benefit for the game’s era as the full release draws slowly closer.

Get your account set up today and check out this new instalment!