Crypto games or blockchain games are becoming increasingly popular. Especially, the hype around play-to-earn games is manifesting itself in trading card games and cool RPGs. Below, we have compiled a list of the best F2P crypto games to check out in 2022. Very often, potential players do not enter the market as they lack sufficient funds. The high starting costs have created a massive demand for free-to-play – F2P – alternatives.

We have made your game hunt easy. 

What are F2P Crypto Games?

Unlike other crypto games, F2P games are free to play. You don’t have to invest real money to get started. For instance, Splinterlands gives all players some basic cards to get started. This lowers the barriers to entry for many players. 

How do F2P Games Work?

The F2P games are accessible to everyone who wishes to play. Players can play the games and unlock rewards. These rewards can later be exchanged for crypto.

So the basic idea is that you earn rewards by winning and then exchange them for real crypto assets.

Top 7 F2P Games to try out in 2022

Here are some of the best F2P games that do not require spending to get started:

1. Chainmonsters

Chainmonsters F2P Game

© Chainmonsters

Chainmonsters is another Pokemon-inspired game that is all set to release this year. The goal is to collect ‘Chainmons’, outfits, and other items. These collected items can be sold on the marketplace for crypto. 

The free-to-play NFT game is based on the FLOW blockchain. The MMORPG is said to have stunning graphics which has got the gaming community discussing it.

As of now, Chainmonsters is in its last Alpha-testing phase. After the release, Chainmonsters will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox. 

2. Gods Unchained

As of now, Gods Unchained is one of the best crypto games that is free to play. You get started for free and earn crypto assets only when you enter a certain league.

Gods Unchained is a multiplayer card game with fantasy-type cards. If you have ever played Hearthstone, you will find Gods Unchained pretty interesting. The blockchain game is free to download and play.

Unlike other similar card games, you won’t have to buy a starter pack or pay fees. All you have to do is beat other players and jump up the leagues.

3. Ethermon

If you think Ethermon sounds familiar to Pokemon, then you are right. Ethermon’s gameplay resembles Pokemon games a lot. As a player, you have to catch, train, and evolve digital monsters called ‘Ethermons’. 

Players can send their Ethermons to battle against other Ethermons. Winners receive rewards in the form of ‘Emons’, the native currency that can be traded for cryptocurrency. This game is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is free to play. 

4. Guild of Guardians

Guild of Guardians F2P Game

© Guild of Guardians

The creators of Guild of Guardians have made it clear that the game will have a F2P model. This means that you won’t have to spend anything to get started. Players will receive rewards based on their skills and strategy.

As of now, the NFT-based game is still in development. Nothing much has been revealed about the gameplay. By looking at the snippets, we can only guess that it has a fantasy theme and might be an RPG. Guild of Guardians is expected to launch in early 2022.

5. Splinterlands

If you are into card games like Hearthstone, then you will find Splinterlands interesting. Based on the Hive blockchain, Splinterlands has a mythical theme and characters. It’s free to play and all the players receive a basic card set. You can buy fancier cards from the marketplace.

Winners will get more cards and these cards can be traded for crypto. Players can also get cards as rewards by completing daily quests, seasonal challenges, and defeating other players. If you have multiple cards of the same kind, you can level them up.

6. CryptoCelebrities

CryptoCelebrities is a rather interesting take on traditional card games. Based on the Ethereum blockchain, CryptoCelebrities is all about collecting and trading celebrity cards.

If a certain celebrity becomes popular in the game’s community, then the user who owns the card makes a profit. It works something like this: A celebrity becomes popular >levels up > original owner profits. 

7. Blankos Block Party

Blankos Block Party F2P Game

© Mythical Games

If you like parties, then you should make your way to Blankos Block Party. All the players who sign up receive a free Party Pass and an NFT. To win rewards, players have to complete daily, weekly, and seasonal challenges.

As you zip past the challenges, you hop ahead from tier to tier on the Party Pass. The rewards you unlock from the pass can be traded for crypto assets.


Considering the surging popularity of games based on crypto, more F2P games are bound to be released. If you want to learn about cryptocurrencies and NFTs, then these games are an excellent hands-on experience. Don’t forget to get the best crypto wallet for gaming!

Read Also: F2P Meaning Explained