P2E NFT games are taking over. Check out our guide below to see why the P2E NFT acronyms are everywhere at the moment and why they are going to be ever more commonplace in the future. Perfect for anyone who fancies getting paid for all of their gameplay!


What does P2E NFT mean?

P2E NFT are two acronyms that have been lumped together and they refer to ‘play to earn’ and ‘non-fungible token’ respectively.

These are most commonly seen together to describe P2E NFT games. As such, there are games out there that you can play to earn non-fungible tokens. Here’s a little breakdown of each acronym to help you out a little further:

P2E: The concept of play-to-earn has been a massive hit in the video gaming realm recently. We’ve got a handy article that explains the P2E meaning, but it basically means that you can get paid money for playing certain kinds of video games.

NFT: Non-fungible tokens are so popular that they’ve virtually gone mainstream. Some of the top NFT tokens have been sold for millions of dollars and they have been for anything from original artwork to a Twitter tweet. The NFT basically gives you the exclusive ownership of a unique asset which could be anything from a gaming avatar to a YouTube video.

P2E NFT combined: Taking these two acronyms together we can see that a play to earn game will let you earn unique NFT tokens. These NFT tokens could then be added to your collection or even sold for real money on an NFT marketplace. As such, there are plenty of people who have made money from playing P2E NFT games.

Our pick of the top NFT games

NFT games used to be more notable in how they gave you a chance to earn non-fungible tokens, rather than the quality of the gameplay. However, the following P2E NFT games manage to get the balance just about right:

  • Spinterlands: Collect rare cards to earn top NFTs in this free-to-play P2E game
  • Axie Infinity: The cuteness of Pokemon welded to the Ethereum blockchain
  • Battle of Guardians: Classic fighting game with an NFT twist
  • Metawars: Dazzling sci-fi sees you collecting robots while earning NFTs
P2E NFT games

© Elrokk

Where will P2E NFT games go from here?

Now that we’ve cleared up those all-important questions like, ‘What are NFT games?’ we can see that this is the start of something pretty significant. The fact that you could play games to earn assets that you trade for money is the polar opposite of how we’ve previously had to pay money to play games.

What’s best is that this new model of gaming is great news for both the consumer and the games’ developer. After all, the total lack of intermediaries means that costs are kept low and the gamer and the studio enjoy a closer relationship. All of which shows that the P2E NFT gaming revolution is only just getting started!