is made up of 15 esports journalists and editors all driven by one common passion: gaming.

We live and breathe to provide our esports fans and industry followers from all around the world with the latest esports news, key insight into the growth of this very exciting industry and all the game data you need to improve your skills – or even bets – on the key gaming titles, including LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO and more.

Our belief is that we’re only at the dawn of esports. We know we’ve got a lot to look forward to, and so, we’d like to thank you for following us on our journey to becoming the number one portal for all things esports. by gamers, for the gamers.

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Our Authors

Ashley Pratte
[Staff Writer] Ashley grew up playing Mario and Duck Hunt with her father on the Magical Gray Box before she was even out of diapers. She continued to progress through every system, through the years, and continuing the tradition of family gaming. With her husbands help, she is now raising and training her own spawn squad to take on opponents in Fortnite.
Ben Sapsford
[Staff Writer] Ben Sapsford is an active lecturer, teaching the Esports BTEC to students in the UK while continuing their love affair with automotive esports. Previously a Rocket League player since turned competitive racer, he takes up his spare time competing and developing the Forza esports scene, as well as commentating for organisations like PSGL. Follow him on Twitter and Twitch at Sappytron.
Bryan Francis
[Staff Writer] Bryan Francis is an avid pokemon fan currently pursuing his Btech. While he wishes to work in the football industry someday as a data analyst. He is passionate about football while being an Arsenal fan as well as Formula 1. Since the age of four, he enjoys being in front of a computer to play video games whenever possible. He enjoys his arcade games while also FPS such as Valorant and CS 1.6.
Chiara Balbo
[Content Coordinator] Chiara Balbo is a cosplayer and anime lover, specializing in digital & content marketing. Working in gaming for her it means a lot of fun and the opportunity to meet awesome people & pro gamers. She is a Nintendo fan but also loves Indie games.
Davide Xu
[Staff Writer] Davide is a university student trying to break into the esports industry! He's a League of Legends esports specialist who loves talking about anything related to the game! Available on Twitter on here
Denis Alihodzic
[Editor] Denis is an avid gamer with a passion for esports. The obsession first began with the early JRPG Final Fantasy titles, but took a different turn once he got his hands on Warcraft 3 and the Dota and LoL MOBA games that later emerged from it. Nowadays, he mostly enjoys playing some Blizzard classics and spends the majority of his free time concocting weird Diablo character builds or leveling countless alts in World of Warcraft.
Ena Alihodzic
[Staff Writers] Ena's fascination with games started at an early age. Counter-Strike 1.6 was her entry into the gaming world but she went on to play a bit of everything and explore all genres. Nowadays she mostly plays Valorant, League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, with a bit of CS:GO on the side.
Filip Kicurovski
[Lead Editor] Filip is an esports researcher at the Central China Normal University in Wuhan, China. A former competitive athlete in Counter-Strike 1.6, he brings insight from various corners of the esports ecosystem. Likes walking around Gaming Expos and LAN parties. On Twitter as Kaapowsky
Florin Paguba
[Staff Writer] Florin’s love affair with video games started long before eSports came along, with real-time strategy games, first person shooters and later on, MOBAs. He set out writing match predictions for domestic and international Starcraft II, League of Legends, DotA 2 and CS:GO tournaments. Florin has joined the site as content writer.
Gianfranco Capozzi
[Editor-in-Chief] Gianfranco Capozzi started his career in the industry working as Esports Editor-in-Chief for a few niche esports betting sites and as a contributor for Red Bull Games / Esports Italy. Now Gianfranco is leading the esports department in Catena Media. Follow him on Twitter at GFCapozzi
Grant Taylor-Hill
[Staff Writer] Grant is a jack-of-all esports journalist, covering everything from Call of Duty to League of Legends, and from esports betting to streamer controversies. If he's not writing about games, he's probably playing them or creating content focused on them.
Jordan Ashley
[Staff Writer] Jordan Ashley lives in the middle of the UK with two dogs who routinely beat him on Mario Kart. He's a big fan of playing Wind Waker over and over again while ignoring all other tasks. His ability to play Fortnite is limited to hiding in bushes. Available on Twitter on here
Kieran Lee
[Staff Writer] Kieran Lee, an esports enthusiast writing articles for a couple of years. Started playing League of Legends way back in season 3, currently active on the OCE server (no hate please). Stayed tuned to keep updated on the latest game news & betting predictions!
Kristjan Schellenberg
[Staff Writer] Kristjan's interest in esports started when his friends showed him Starcraft 2. Down the years, he has closely followed League of Legends and CSGO. Kristjan also enjoys camping and cooking.
Logan Tooker
[Staff Writer] Logan is an avid gamer, crypto enthusiast and a nerd. In WC3 he was ranked quite high on the 1v1 and 2v2 ladders back in the day (long before the whole WC3 Reforged fiasco), and when it comes to WoW, he has been doing end-game raiding all the way until Legion.
Luke Murphy
[Staff Writer] Luke Murphy recently graduated with a degree in sports journalism from Staffordshire University. He has prior experience working for GINX Esport TV and multiple sporting teams across the UK. With a strong passion for esports and gaming that started from a young age. he is now continuing his journey with us.
Marcus Wong
[Staff Writer] Kicking off his writing career way back in college, Marcus wrote about Esports while pursuing a degree in Software Engineering. He covers various Esports titles such as Dota 2, but not limited to CS:GO, League of Legends, and PUBG. While Marcus doesn’t play Dota 2 professionally, he can often be found playing ranked pubs in the 5,000 MMR skill bracket of SE Asia server.
Mario Juric
[Staff Writer] Mario just got his law degree, but he found his true passion in esports. He’s been an active member of CSGO community for a while now and he also had a dream of going pro. Mario works hard to bring you all the latest esports news, previews & betting predictions.
Mel Hawthorne
[Staff Writer] Mel is a London-based journalist that has been writing about video games for a few years now. After growing up in Vienna, Austria she followed her dreams and moved to London. Said dreams took her through a few different jobs before she settled on what she really wanted to do – periodically anger video game fans by expressing her opinions on video games via the Internet.
Michael Jeong
[Staff Writer] Michael Jeong is a writer and journalist with a broad set of interests that reflect his similarly diverse background. Born in South Africa to South Korean parents, Michael grew up in a post-apartheid landscape that helped shape his holistic world-view: namely, people are more than what the world says they are, and the context is more important than generalizing categories.
Nikhil Kalro
[Staff Writer] With an interest in strategy and mathematics, applying that to sports writing was the natural progression. A writer at night and the founder of a gaming company, Nikhil’s previous experience includes working with ESPN for five years. His specialization includes soccer, tennis and esports betting.
Oscar Rojas
[Staff Writer] I’m firstly a dad and a story/news writer, I was there before all clocks started ticking and we went to participate in CounterStrike, Warcraft III and DoTa tournaments at the mall, then I kept playing until today. I love the fact that esports has grown so much and will be around to keep you updated about it.
Rachel Guillaumier
[Editor & Content Manager] Rachel Guillaumier is an esports content manager with over 4 years of experience in the industry. She has been an avid player of classic Blizzard games like World of Warcraft and Diablo, and now she just enjoys following the scene with both pro players & entertaining streamers. On Twitter as rachelGuilla
Tom France
[Staff Writer] Tom found his love for content after setting up a collectible card and video game eCommerce project to support his university studies. From there, he moved into the world of digital marketing to further enhance his abilities within the digital realm. He enjoys playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe online (a little too much) and Fortnite.
Zach Roberts
[Staff Writer] I've played video games for as long as I can remember, so they've always been a passion of mine. When I finally figured out that I wanted to be a writer, I had no idea I'd end up writing about video games. I love them and I love sharing tips, tricks and news about them.

All the latest news from our esports authors

We keep you informed of all the latest news about the top esports games and major tournaments. We don’t have a marketing or advertising agenda, at we are wholly focused on being an esports community that is for the gamers, by the gamers – so you can get news that you can rely on. Find out what our esports network thinks of games like League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Fortnite, Overwatch, Call of Duty, World of Tanks, Hearthstone, Starcraft 2 and much more – and add your own views – we want you to join in the discussions and make a much valued contribution!

The latest on all the major gaming tournaments

Get in on the action with our esports network by contributing to the news on all the big esports events and competitions. Are you convinced that a particular team is going to win the International? Tell us all about it! Find out the latest news on the League of Legends World Championships, one of the biggest and best esports tournaments in the world – and tell us what you think about all that’s going on.

Are you keen to join in a discussion about the Major League Gaming events? Read what our other members have to say, then put in your tuppence worth for good measure. Get the skinny on what’s been happening in the Global Starcraft 2 League, and use this to your advantage during your own gameplay. Learn about the latest happenings at the Intel Extreme Masters, and add your own views.

Are you eagerly anticipating the DreamHack tournament? Find out what other like-minded fans have learned about the world’s largest gaming festival, and get the details you can’t find anywhere else. Tell us what you’ve found out about the ELEAGUE, and join with lively discussions on all things related to this tournament.

We don’t want you to be a passive recipient of esports news, the games, the players and the competitions – we have designed our site to make interacting with other fans as easy as having a ‘real life’ conversation. This is what makes our news stand out from all the other sites out there – as it is generated by real fans, proper gamers who know what they’re talking about, and who have a genuine interest in sharing and interacting. We’re not trying to push a game or competition on you, or even to get you to part with any money – we are a reliable and useful source of esports news that you just can’t get anywhere else.

A Social hub for discussion is all about being a social hub for discussing all things related to esports. We are the Facebook of esports, without any annoying distractions! You can learn lots about the games from our user-generated reviews, and tell us what you think too. Do you disagree with something that has been said about League of Legends? Do you think that one member’s opinion of Dota 2 is completely different from your own? Have you found that our Overwatch review has left out something that’s important to you? We want to hear all about it, so join us and start getting involved.

A whole host of ways to interact with other members

There are no limits when it comes to the number of ways that you can interact with other esports fans and players within the community. Rate the games, and tell us what you really think about updates and developments within League of Legends, Overwatch, Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and the rest. See what other members think of the games, and tell us if you agree.

Do you have a burning desire to start a discussion on how to strategize your way to a win on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? You can do that right here within our friendly and welcoming community. Do you want to talk about which roles you should take on in League of Legends, and find out what other esports fans think of their particular capabilities and strengths? Start a discussion today, you never know what useful information you could find out – and you get the chance to enjoy a bit of lively debate at the same time.

Have you got a question about your favourite game, the top professional players and teams, or any of the major tournaments or competitions in the world of esports? You have come to the right place. Post your question, then sit back and wait for other members to help you out.

As gamers, we know that this is a hobby that can sometimes be a little lonely – especially if you are playing your favourite esports at home by yourself. is the ideal solution, allowing you to chat to people who are on the same page as you – making connections that not only help you to increase your knowledge, but that are also the basis of friendships. Join our community and start getting involved so that you can feel much more a part of the action – and you can connect with esports fans and players from all over, making gaming a much more enjoyable and interactive experience that you might have had before. is the project of:

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