Why is the iPhone so popular for mobile esports and gaming?

The popularity of iPhones within the mobile gaming industry is one which caught a lot of people off guard.

Mobile gaming was always considered an Android device special. It was almost an expectation the best gaming phone would be an Android device. But in 2022 this notion changed big time. Currently, the best phone for gaming would be the iPhone 13 Pro Max. While looking at the device as a whole, it is quite the allrounder it should be at its price.

iPhone Gaming

This change came about the moment Apple started manufacturing the chipsets phones. The decision had taken most of the mobile industry by storm, as Apple became one of the first companies to make its chipset and software for its phones.

The result was the best gaming phone on the market.

What does a phone for gaming require to be good?

Currently, there has been quite the hype set up by most companies to amp up a specification to the highest amount possible. While it is true that the best specifications will provide the best performance. Certain traits have to be taken into consideration. If we take the example of a custom-made PC, having the apt specifications is one thing.

If there is a component that doesn’t blend well with the build, it will lead to a loss in efficiency and throttling. In this case, if the PC doesn’t have the most efficient cooling system, the PC will heat up. As such to reduce the workload the pc will then throttle its max output to reduce the production of heat.

Similarly, in mobile phones, each component within the phone needs to be in sync to provide the best experience. It was recently reported by many about many Android flagship phones having quite the frequent overheating issue with the Snapdragons. Due to this, there have been cases of most phones throttling under usage of an hour. Long term usage at high heat, leads to damage to the phone’s battery and lifecycle.


iPhone Genshin Testing

Furthermore, most games currently run on 120 FPS. Certain devices consist of panels of 60hz and 120 or 144hz is not yet the standard. If a phonehas 18 GB of RAM within it but uses the Snapdragon 845 and has a sub-par displey, it leads to a major disaster as neither component would be able to make the most of the other. Thus it is crucial for the devices while not having the best specifications to have the right specs for the device.

How does iPhone fit the gaming phone mold with ease?

While iPhones are not marketed as the best gaming phone in the industry, it has traits that go in their favour. While taking a look at the surface, the mobile has quite the higher price bracket. As such Apple can have the liberty to use the best products and specifications for the device. Due to this fact, the company can mould their device to favour a specific niche with ease. If they wish to make the phone a bit cheaper without reducing the processing power. The company can make use of plastic back instead of glass to make it still look premium.

As such Apple can now reduce the price by a few hundred dollars to be a part of the mid-range market. Furthermore, Apple is the sole producer for IOS as well as the current Bionic chips for their phones. As a result, iPhones never needed a lot of RAM to function very smoothly. It was only a few years ago that the iPhones started consisting of over 2GB of RAM. Due to this level of simplicity and ease the applications that are made for the devices are well optimized. As such while a game would require 4 GB of RAM to run smoothly on an android device. It would take just 1 GB for an iPhone to have the latest version of IOS.

The final and core point is the chipset. The latest Snapdragon chips have a notorious reputation of being overpowered, but needing some serious cooling solutions. Device makers started developing heatsinks and unique cooling solutions to cope with the graphics and processing chips on their flagship and gaming devices. Iphone on the other hand, manages to run smoothly under load for hours without a huge temperature change. As such, it provides a unique advantage to long-time grinders and pros.

Will we see iPhone series for gaming soon?

While iPhones are currently the best devices to game on due to their efficiency, they are not specifically built or marketed for gaming. They are also the costliest of all the devices you can use to game on.

If Apple decides to make a gaming phone shortly, they must figure the best of both worlds. One domain would be the pricing and utility, while the other will be processing power, display frequency and software optimization. It is not hard for Apple to create a phone that can suit the niche that the mobile gamers are looking for, especially given the sucess of their S-series models.

Maybe they could inspiration from the Asus ROG Phone 6, and out price and outperform the current king. For now, Apple shows no interest in mobile gaming specific series, but times change and mobile gaming is not slowing down.